Sermons by Kofie Andoh (Page 10)

Sermons by Kofie Andoh (Page 10)

Stay Focused! Stay Ready!

Text: Matthew 24:1-5; 42-43 We’ve heard this many times and maybe even asked it ourselves: “When will the world end?” We can be guaranteed, as believers, that we must stay ready! Especially now, the way things are going. No one knows the day or the hour of Jesus’ return, but God said He’ll give us signs. It’ll be as in the days of Noah. The world is still eating and drinking as if nothing is happening. They don’t see the…

Who Is Jesus To You

When we get an understanding of who God is, it’ll change us on the inside. Jesus cannot be common to us. Then we lose our reverance for Him. We need to follow Him! The servant is not greater than his Master. If Jesus suffered, what makes us think we won’t? To follow Jesus is a sacrifice. We need to deny ourselves. We can’t look back when we follow Jesus. If we do, we are not fit for the Kingdom. We…

It’s A Battle For Your Soul

Joshua 3:1-5 We are living in a time when there is “no new thing under the sun.” Things that have been are already happening now. The things that we are about to face are on a higher level. We need to be asking, “Where is the church today at this time?” We need to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. Then, we have to prepare ourselves for the battle. We are the body of Christ. We…

Idolatry And The Fear Of God

Text: Acts 20:18-21 We need to be ready to accept the Word of God as Truth, because His Truth is what will set us free. God is not playing games. Sometimes we find ourselves fearing the Lord because we don’t want the punishment that comes along with sin. We don’t fear Him because we love him or honor Him. Once we do something out of fear, it’s slavery. We are doing it for the wrong reason. We fear the Lord,…

Understanding The Kingdom Of God

Text: Proverbs 4:7 Ask yourself if you are in a position to understand Kingdom stuff. When you hear the Word, can you understand it? God says, if we start off listening, we’ll understand, because we understand when we pay attention. Jesus tells us to listen with understanding and He’ll give us more. If we don’t, what we do have will be taken from us. It’s a dangerous thing to listen to Truth and not obey it. When that happens, we’ve…

Seeking To Save The Lost

Text: Luke 19:10 We know how important something is after we’ve lost it. How hard do we look for it? The human soul is the most important thing in this world. God’s intention is to seek the souls that are lost. We are valuable to Him. When we’re a REAL shepard, we care about the sheep. There has to be a change in our lives, if we say we are saved. If there isn’t, we’re not saved! We can’t keep…

Staying Focused On The Mission

Text 1 Peter 5:8-9 When we’re idle, we are not focused. We are open. . .and the devil comes in. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. How many times have we just done things on impulse? We do this when we’re not focused. . .when we’re idle. The devil never stops. He will take us further than we want to go, make us stay longer than we want to stay, and pay more than we want to pay! When…

Don’t Go Back-Trust God To The End

Text: Hebrews 10:35-39 How many people start out with God, but don’t end up with God? They seem to have lost their faith. Our faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. God operates by His Word and that is good enough! When God says it, we need to believe it, and that should settle it! We have a sixth sense, and that’s faith! We need to believe what God says. If we know there are things…

When God Gets Fed Up

Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8 God’s time is not as our time. God is long suffering. But, God can only take so much because He is a Holy God! There is no hurt as deep as when a child hurts and disrespects his parents. We are children of God. We can only hurt and disrespect our Father for so long before He gets fed up. What one generation tolerates, another will legislate. We must be careful of the things we allow…

Prayer Works So Don’t Give Up

Text: Luke 18:1 Nothing can hinder God when we pray. All we need to do is cry out to Him! When bad things happen, we have a tendancy to play the blame game. We feel we need to blame someone. But, that’s when we need to encourage ourselves in the Lord. We don’t need to have someone intercede for us. We can go to our God ourselves! We need to believe the Word, pray the Word, and move on that…