Sermons by Kofie Andoh (Page 5)
In Trials And Tribulations, Don’t Blame God
Text: 1 Corinthians 10:13 Satan is a deceiver and he is the one who blinds our eyes to TRUTH. That’s why reading God’s Word is so important. Satan wants us, but God wants us more! We need to come to God, not because of material things we’ve lost (job, house, relationship, etc.). We come to God because we need HIM! No other reason. No matter what we’ve lost, the trials come to make us stronger. Never stop praying! Never stop…
Please Don’t Hide Your Talent
Texts: Luke 12:48; Matthew 25:14-30 Who are you living for and what are you living for? God gave us each a talent. . .something to work with. It’s up to us to use it. God is looking for a good and faithful people using what He has given us, no matter where we are in our lives. Are you hiding your talent? Move out, in faith, and use your gift! Faith has no sight!
Carrying The Torch Of Healing
Text: Matthew 8:16-17 The Bible tells us Jesus died for our sin. He also died for our sicknesses! We need to understand the covenant. . .the WHOLE of what Jesus did on the cross! Death is the ultimate goal of sickness. . .the ultimate goal of the devil. That’s why we needed the cross. Healing is in the Atonement! Jesus heals! God is still looking for people to trust Him!
Living As The Children Of God
Texts: 1 John 2:15; 3:1-3 God’s goal is for us to have a full fellowship and relationship with Him. This was made possible through the cross. . .the Atonement. We must be born again to be called a child of God. If we have hope in Jesus, we should have a “want” to be like Him and to be with Him. We must purify ourselves (be unspotted by the world) and love one another. A real child of God does…
The Faith That Takes
Texts: 2 Corinthians 5:7; Mark 11:2; Hebrews 11 God knows the Power of what He says! God has faith in His Words! Those things He has said WILL come to pass! All He does is SPEAK and it happens! We need to operate in faith! Are you waiting for a healing? Have the faith of God! Are you waiting for deliverance? Have the faith of God! Whatever it is you’re waiting for. . .Have the faith of God! The people…
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season
Text: Luke 2:1-11 Christmas=Christ’s Celebration Why was it great joy? Why was it a birth always to be remembered? He’s not just anybody. He’s SOMEBODY! God knew we were all messed up and we needed a Savior. We are captivated by sin and we cannot free ourselves from it on our own. We need Jesus! Jesus took our punishment so we could be free! The story of Christmas is. . .God made a way! Emmanuel! God with us! Do you…
Overcoming Discouragement
Texts: Psalm 61:1-4; 1 Samuel 30:1-15 One thing the devil always uses to bring us down is discouragement. Discouragement opens the door for the devil, to our heart and mind. Discouragement is being robbed of our courage. We have no confidence! We lose hope! To beat discouragement, we must: Know God! Know God’s Promises! Know God’s Power! We can’t give up when we know our God. . .when we stand on God’s Promises. . .when we experience God’s Power! God…
Distractions That Stop Your Destiny
Texts: Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 10:13 Some things that distract us are not necessarily sin. . .they are weights that keep us from our destination. Distractions cause us to be disobedient. . .to not do what we were supposed to do. God’s law/commandments are true! We must follow and obey them and not get distracted. When God gives us an assignment, it’s up to us to do all we can to get it done. His will be done! We need…
Having The Attitude Of Gratitude
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Why do some of us have the attitude of entitlement instead of the attitude of gratitude? We should be thankful for what we have. We give thanks to glorify God. Jesus cares about gratitude for the things He has given us and for what He has done for us. It’s a season of thanksgiving. Praise God wherever you’re at! He deserves the praise!
The Making Of A Strong Believer
Text: Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 2:1-2 You are not who your friends say you are. You are not your past. God gives you your identity. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Many are called, but few are chosen. The chosen ones are the ones who say yes to Jesus. We need to desire the things of God! Once we’re born again, others should be able to see a difference is us. We do not conform to…