Sermons by Kofie Andoh (Page 6)

Sermons by Kofie Andoh (Page 6)

God’s Way Of Healing

Text: Matthew 8:16-17; 1 Peter 2:24 God created man without sickness. Through one man, sickness and evil came. But, God paid the price of man breaking the law. We are fighting a real, live deceiver, but Jesus came to fix that problem. To find out what our benefits are, we need to read the Bible. God sees us as saved and healed. We have a tendency to receive that salvation by faith. Then, we stop there. We need to receive…

Healing In The Atonement

Text: Psalm 103:1-4; Genesis 1:26-28, 31 In every battle, we must be able to recognize the enemy. Who’s on our side and who isn’t? When it comes to healing, we need to find the cause, the consequence (curse), the cure. We need a fresh revelation of the atonement. We need to find out if it’s God’s will for all the ailments we see. The atonement is what God used to heal us from the curse. He had to do something…

Will The Real Saints Please Stand Up

Text: Romans 6:1-4 The enemy is not playing. He’s going after adults and children. What is God calling us to do? He’s calling us to be Holy! We are set apart to be used by Him. Jesus did not come to make bad men good. He came to make dead men live! We need to know why God gave us the gift of salvation. Jesus took away the penalty and the power of sin! But, we still have the presence…

Have You Received The Gift

Please excuse the video volume. It doesn’t start until around 14:54. Please keep listening! Texts: Luke 24:46-49; Acts 19:1-2 Many of us are on our Christian walk, but we don’t have everything we need. We haven’t received our free gift! Every believer should expect the gift of the Holy Spirit. God wants us to have the totality of His gifts in Christ. We receive those gifts by faith. Everything that Jesus did, we’re supposed to do. But, we can only…

No Room For Compromise

Texts: Luke 13:22-24; Luke 9:62; 2 Kings 5:1-27 God has called us out to be the Lord’s! We need to strive (fight) to stay on the narrow road. We contend with the ungodly every day. Sometimes it feels like we take three steps forward and one step back. But, we need to keep telling ourselves, we are victorious! We need to fight our way through! Our mind must be stayed on Christ. Keep our eyes on the prize and hold…

Which Servant Are You

Text: Luke 12:35-46 It’s easier for us to get up early and go to a job we get paid for than to get up early and pray or go to church. Why is that? Are we more motivated by money than for God? Where is our comittment? Where is our relationship with God? Is your lamp burning or burning out? Jesus is coming back. This is real! Are you ready? Are you exited? Every tear we cry, everything we’ve done…

Don’t Lose Your Calling

Texts: 1 John 2:15-17; 1 Peter 5: 8-9 God is calling us to continue in this fight. We must always be alert because the devil is on the prowl. We can’t be so engrossed with worldly things that we lose our calling. The world is changing little by little and we’re acepting it, little by little Before you know it, we’re accepting the wrong things and not even being convicted anymore. Be alert! Don’t lose your calling!

Confidence Comes From Covenant

Texts: Psalm 23; Hebrews 8:6; 1 Samuel 17 Be confident in your covenant. A covenant is an agreement of two people coming together. Jesus is the ultimate mediator and made the greatest covenant for all mankind. God is looking for someone who will trust Him and make covenant with Him. His promises are His Covenant for us, but to receive those promises, we have to be in agreement with God. Remember your testimony! Where has God brought you from and…

Are You Rapture Ready: Guarding Against Deception

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 The rapture will come upon us suddenly. Jesus says to not worry about when it will happen. Just be ready! There are so many things in the world trying to get our attention. Don’t even go there! The devil is trying to deceive us, but God tells us to be not deceived. Keep your focus on heaven and continue to fellowship with other believers to be encouraged and to be an encouragement. Be rapture ready!

Are You Rapture Ready

Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 JESUS IS COMING! The rapture of the church is imminent. It can happen at any time. We just have to be ready. The rapture of the church will be the event of the century. It’ll happen all over the world. Believers will be gone! Everyone else will be left behind to go through the 7 year tribulation. Are you rapture ready? Today is the day of salvation!