Sermons by Kofie Andoh (Page 8)

Sermons by Kofie Andoh (Page 8)

Faith That Enters Rest

Text: Hebrews 3:16-4:2 We don’t know what it’s like to have to give up things to stay in the faith. And, without faith, it is impossible to please God. Our walk is not based on what we see, but on the unseen. The Christian believes in a God we have never seen. We walk by faith and not by sight. Everything is how we perceive it to be. In our trials, we have to believe we’ll be victorious, and we…

The Tale Of Two Kingdoms

Text: Matthew 13:24-28; Colossians 1:12-13 A spiritual battle is raging for the rulership of this world. The devil does not and will not give up! There are two kingdoms. . .the good seeds are the children of God (the Kingdom of Light). The weeds are the children of the wicked one (the kingdom of darkness). The devil is a rebel and he wants us to rebel. Satan advances his kingdom through sin. His goal is to cause us to sin…

The Shaking Has Already Started

Text: Hebrews 12:22-26 God wants His people back to Him. God is not just a loving God. He is, also, a just God! The Bible is alive! It’s God breathed! It’s Supernatural! He keeps saying, “My Son is coming! Deliverance is coming!” He has finished the work! If we are living in sin, in God’s eyes, we are dead! We are breaking God’s law. Satan is trying to keep us in our sin. We are, then, children of disobedience. We…

Your Deliverance Is In The Word

Text: 2 Timothy 3:16; 1 Corinthians 10:13 We are in a battle every day for the souls of man. We are valuable to God. The enemy doesn’t fight fair or ever give up. There is a war going on and his job is to continue to tempt us until we fall. We have a soul that is eternal and satan is after it! We cannot become lazy and let the enemy get a foothold. Our spirit is willing, but our…

Watch Because The Time Is Near

Text: Matthew 25:1-10 Jesus warns us to not let the things of the world overtake us. We are pilgrims passing through. Jesus warns us to be watchful and BE ready. . .not GET ready, but BE ready! The world has rebelled against God’s Kingdom. God wants us to be ready for when He comes. He wants us to keep running after Him. Sometimes we get tired, but we need to stay in the race. Satan wants to wear us out,…

Make Up Your Mind-Who Will You Serve?

Texts: Matthew 6:24; Joshua 24:14,15 No man can serve two masters. Everyone serves something! God doesn’t allow His Glory to be shared with anyone! The Bible is our history book. God has made Himself known to us through the written Word. We don’t live by food alone. We live by the Word of God! We can’t serve God and the world. We need to choose. Make up your mind! Who will you serve? We were made by God and for…

Christ Is Our Hope

Text: Titus 1:2; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14; 1 Corinthians 15 All around us today, we see death. . .in all different ways. There is so much we’re facing. Sometimes it looks like death has the victory. How long do we have to deal with fear? Death was not in the world before the fall. God mad EVERYTHING good!. . .until disobedience! All the things we see today is because one man disobeyed God! We need to hold fast to the Word…

What Does Christmas Mean To You

Text: Isaiah 9:6 Christmas is the #1 holiday celebrated in the world. Why do we celebrate this holiday? There is something different about this day. Christmas means Christ and mass. Hence, celebrate Christ! The story of Christmas begins with creation. When God created us, He wanted us to WANT to be obedient to His will. God wanted to be our Standard. He gave us the ability to choose between good and evil. When sin entered the world, in the garden,…

It’s Time To Seek The Lord

Text: Hosea 10:12-14; Haggai 2:1-8 When we forget God, we’re not standing still. We are either moving forward in the things of God or moving backward in the things of the world. If we love the Lord, as we say we do, we will obey Him. We have the DNA for a real revival! Right now the church doesn’t look any different than the world. It’s time to seek the Lord! Where is that place in our lives that’s keeping…

The Temple Must Be Holy

Text: Malachi 1:6-10; John 2:13-17 God is a God of order. When God tells us to do something, we must do it! Obedience is in what we do. He wants us to honor and obey Him. When we don’t do this, we are saying we don’t believe He is worthy of our best. Everything we do for the Lord should be our best. God takes no pleasure in us when we don’t give 100%. Everything we do is tied to…