Sermons by Kofie Andoh (Page 9)
Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice
Text: 1 Samuel 15 Many people are after God’s hand. We should be after God’s heart. We have to be a church that knows God’s heart! When God tells us to do something, we need to obey. No compromising! Disobedience brought sin into the world. Disobedience is the one thing that will cancel God’s assignment on our life. If God says to do something. . .DO IT! God is the God of second chances. He can turn your ship around!…
Seeking To Save The Lost
Text: Luke 15:1-32; Luke 19:10 Your only source shouldn’t be what comes from the preacher. We need to be in the Word, study the Word, and know the Word! Stay with the Word! That’s our Source! Sometimes we’re too “religious” and stay away from the “unreligious”. . .they’re “sinners”. But, Jesus ate with the unsaved. He had fellowship with them. He is our example. We are to fellowship with the unsaved to introduce them to Jesus. We may be the…
God Gets In The Battle With Us
Text: John 16:33; Joshua 10:1-13 God does not just encourage us in the fight. He gets in the fight with us! God is a Covenant Keeper! He is Faithful. When God is on our side, we have nothing to fear. When God gives us a promise, that’s what we stand on. Faith is based on God’s Word and God’s Word alone! Whatever you’re going through, God is in the fight with you! He’ll stop the earth for you (Joshua 10:11).…
The Fellowship Of The Unashamed
Text: Mark 8:34-38; Romans 1:16 We need to find ourselves seeking after God and not after religion. Religion can become a habit and we can end up making up a god that meets our needs. This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of sinners. We need to know who God really is – not a made up god. That’s the only way we can share the TRUTH! We need to walk the walk the way God says. We…
You Are Already Healed-II
Text: 1 Peter 2:24; 1 John 4:17 It was through the complete submission of Jesus Christ that we are redeemed. We have been given an inheritance, but we need to know what it is and understand it to receive it. Because of Adam, we are all sinners and death came into the world. The sicknesses and diseases that have entered our bodies is the result of sin, and it’s spiritual. The ultimate goal is death and that causes fear. But,…
God Has Already Healed You
Text: Matthew 8:1-10, 16-17 Jesus was nailed to a cross, but He lived and still lives! Jesus is the only One who beat death. Death was never the plan of God. When God created everything, He made all things good. Then, sin entered the world. Our “tree of knowledge” is the Bible. It tells us what is right and what is wrong. The real fight going on in this world is between good and evil. Since that day in the…
Be Sober, Not Deceived
Text: 2 Timothy 4:1-4 We should be yearning to hear the Word of God as He wants us to hear it. . .not watered down, not adding to it or taking away from it, but the whole convicting Word of God as He intended! It may hurt, but only for a while. It has a purpose. We need to be true believers, wanting to hear the Truth! We should want what God wants. The devil deceives, but God always tell…
The Burden Of The Lord
Text: 1 Chronicles 21:1-3 & Nahum 1:5-6 When the pandemic hit, people were on their knees crying out to God. Now that things seem to be turning around, are we going to go back to our wicked ways? We should never get so comfortable with God that we forget His Holiness. He loves us, yes, but He is a jealous God. We are not immune to the devil. There is no such thing as once saved, always saved. If that…
How To Believe God
Text: Hebrews 11:1-6 There are too many people walking around saying they believe God, but they really don’t. If there’s anything more we need in our lives, it’s faith! Unless our faith is followed by action, we’re not in the faith. We’re either operating in faith or in hope. We can say we believe God’s Word is Truth, but if we’re not operating in that Truth, it’s just in our head and not in our heart. We actually just have…
We Must Bring Forth Fruit
Text: John 15:1-5 We are going through a pandemic, racial tension, and political tension. These are the “birth pains”. Our foundation must be on solid ground and our concern should be to save souls. We must bear fruit or God will start pruning us. If we have something “dead” in us, it’s time to cut it off or it will hinder us from bearing good fruit. That “dead” stuff is sin. Get rid of it! We can’t serve God and…