Sermons by Pastor Tony Moultrie (Page 7)
Connected To The True Vine
Text: John 15: 1-4 It’s amazing how one ordinary day can be changed in a moment. March Madness has a whole new meaning! COVID-19 has shut down our nation! Everything has come to a halt! There are so many people quoting scripture, which is good, but we need to be connected to the Source! We can’t stand on scripture if we’re not connected to it’s Author! If we’re not, we are only reciting words. We need to know where we…
Relationship-Not Religion
There’s a form of godliness but no power going on. There’s a form of religion, but not relationship going on. God does not want us to be religious. Religion can cause a seperation and division between people. Religion looks at the numbers. Jesus didn’t care if it was a multitude or one woman at a well. Religion comes to seperate, divide, hinder, and make stipulations. Religion will keep us from going to the prisons, seeking the lost, going out on…
The Problem With Having Two Lovers
Text: 1 Kings 18:20-39 Make a decision who you will serve! How long will you keep playing games with God? There are people who are devoted to their false gods. They will do anything to promote their god. When we have things going on in the midst of us, we need to call on The God! The One who answers! God says He would rather have us hot or cold toward Him. Being lukewarm is a dangerous place to be.…
The Problem With Ahab And Jezebel
Text: 1 Kings 16:29-34; Revelation 2:20 Some people today worship god the way they want to. They actually worship their own god, not THE God! What are you selling out for today, so you can get what you want? We should want ministries that produce Godly fruit. Ministries that please God. The spirit of jezebel wants to erase all of God’s grace. The removal of God’s grace is the removal of all Truth! Society today wants to do the same…
When The Brook Dries Up
Text: 1 Kings 17:1-9 We have a worship of immorality going on right now. But, we have to take a stand for God. . .take a stand for what is right and what is Truth! We do not have to be fearful! Stand up and rise up for Truth! Tomorrow isn’t promised to us, so we need to have ears to hear the Lord speaking to us. He will keep us and provide for us. We need to always listen…
The Whole Duty Of Man
Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? What’s our purpose? Even in death, there is something ahead. Do we believe that? Scripture tells us that all the things that don’t bring glory to God are meaningless. There is nothing but meaningless things attached to this world. Everything is vanity. . .full of the flesh. The Word of God is the direction on how to get to Glory. The Truth is the only thing that will…
Jesus Prayed For The Helper
Text: John 14:15-18 The Holy Spirit is what is needed in this world today. If we’re going to have an impact for His Kingdom, we must truly depend on and trust in the working of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said if we really love Him, we will be obedient to Him. The true test is not what we say, but our walk with the Lord. Are we obeying Him and applying His Truth to our lives? Real love brings about…
The School Of Grace
Text: Titus 2:11-14 We need to stand on sound doctrine as never before. Doctrine that teaches us how to live “saved” and how to conduct ourselves as believers. When we do this, we are setting an example for others. When others see us, they should be seeing God. We need to live like this in church, in our homes, and on our jobs. The Word of God is sacred and we should treat is as such. It is an honor…
Full Access Granted
Text: Hebrews 10:19-22 When we have issues in our lives, the one thing we should do, but don’t do, is go to God. We talk to everyone else, but Him. We have full access granted to the things of God. It is there for us! We can go boldly into the Holy of Holies with reverance and with confidence. We have access to the Father because of the blood of Jesus.It wasn’t until Jesus died that we had access to…
Full Access Granted
Text: Hebrews 10:19-22 When we have issues in our lives, the one thing we should do, but don’t do, is go to God. We talk to everyone else, but Him. We have full access granted to the things of God. It is there for us! We can go boldly into the Holy of Holies with reverance and with confidence. We have access to the Father because of the blood of Jesus.It wasn’t until Jesus died that we had access to…