Sermons (Page 3)

Sermons (Page 3)

You Are A Chosen Generation

Texts: 1 Peter 1: 2-5; 1 Peter 2: 9-10; Ephesians 1: 1-13; Ephesians 2: 1-8 Our self worth is based on who we are in Christ. We are a King’s Kid! We are children of the Most High God!

You Are Made New

Texts: Various Our job is to walk and talk the victory. We’ve already won! Where we came from, we were children of wrath. . .children of the world. But, when Jesus came, Redemption came. Those who are in Christ have been made new!

The Ninth Letter

Texts: Various A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,. . . . . . .I! We hear more about “I” in our minds than we do about Jesus. We’re very selfish. We have to be about what Holy Spirit is telling us. We need to obey and we must die to self. . .the ninth letter. . .I! We’re all about Big I, little you. That’s not God’s way. Somewhere along the way, we lost common sense. Ask yourself, “How much skin do I have in…

Entering His Rest

Texts: John 6:1-15; Matthew 16:5-12; Matthew 11:28-30; Luke 10:38-42 We often say God will not give us more than we can handle. But, that is not biblical. Many times He will allow us to be in positions we cannot handle. Why? Because we’ve got Jesus! Lay everything at His feet! We’ve got Jesus!

The Cost Of Discipleship

Texts: Matthew 16:24-27; Luke 14:25-30; Galatians 2:20 & 5:24; Romans 6:6; 1st Corinthians 11:1 To follow the Lord, we must deny ourselves and pick up our cross, daily. The cross is a cost. We do this for a greater purpose. Lord, help us to see the need!

The Impact Of Pentecost

Texts: Acts 1:1-4; John 14:16 17, 26; Acts 1:5-15; Acts 2:1-21; Acts 3:1-8; Acts 4:8, 13 As believers, we need the Holy Spirit, who gives us Power to be witnesses for Christ. He is our Helper! He is our Comforter! He leads us to all TRUTH. Repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit!

Real Salvation Changes Everything

Texts: Various How do we go and make disciples if we’re miserable all the time? Salvation touches our entire being (body, soul, and spirit). . .our entire life. God has us here for a purpose. Real salvation is living out that purpose to be the best spouse, the best parent, the best co-worker, etc. We should be living our lives with excellence! We are to be a light in the world, but how do we get there?

Asking Tough Questions: Why Does God Allow Evil

Texts: Deuteronomy 29:29; Psalm 116:16; Act 17:27-30; John 3:3; John 15:18-19; 1 John 2:15 Bad things happen every day. God does not force anyone to do anything. He gave us all free moral agency to do what we want. He also gave us instructions (the Bible) on what is right and what is wrong. It’s up to us what we choose. When we see all the wickedness in the world, we can’t say, “God, where were You?” The real question…