Sermons by Kofie Andoh

Sermons by Kofie Andoh

You Must Be Ready

Texts: Matthew 7:12-23; Matthew 24:43-44; Matthew 25:1-13; 1 Thessalonians 5:3 We need to be in a place of “preparing” for that Great Day! We can’t be “getting ready” or I was “going to get ready”. We must be ready! Are you preparing with the time you have?

Put On Your Armor

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. Put On Your Armor Ephesians 2:1-5Ephesians 6:10-20Ephesians 3:10 Anyone that is not governed by Christ is governed by the Prince of the Power of the Air. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

Don’t Worry About It

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. Don’t Worry About It Worrying is not of God. God will provide. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

You Must Renew Your Mind

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. You must renew your mind. Die daily in your walk with God. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

The Call, The Cost, The Crown

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. The Call, The Cost, The Crown Acts 20:17-24Acts 21:1-142 Timothy 4:6-8Romans 8:35-392 Corinthians 11:23-29 The church is flat-lining because it has become comfortable. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

The Miracle of the Communion

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message._________The Miracle of the Communion – 1 Corinthians 11:17-32– 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 & 21– Ephesians 5:30– 3 John 1:1-2 How should we approach the Lord’s Supper? It cannot be about religion anymore.___________________Follow us on Facebook! our website!

The Cause Behind Christmas Part 4

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. Merry ChristmasGen. 3:17-19 God had the best intention and plan. But, something happened. Follow us on Facebook! our website! us on TikTok!

The Cause Behind Christmas Part 3

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. The Cause Behind Christmas Part 3 Genesis 3:17-22Isiah 59:2John 12:31Ephesians 2:2John 8:441 John 5:19Genesis 22:16-18Isiah 9:6-7Galatians 4:4 Pride fell into Lucifer’s heart and wanted to the Throne for himself. The same thing can happen to us. Follow us on Facebook! our website! us on TikTok!

The Cause Behind Christmas Part 2

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. Psalms 115:16Genesis 1:24-28Genesis 3Psalms 8:4-6 NLTRomans 5:12Jeremiah 17:9 NLT We can get so puffed up on what God has given us that we stop worshiping God the way that we should. That is what happened to Lucifer. Follow us on Facebook! our website! us on TikTok!

The Cause Behind Christmas

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. Revelations 12:7-9Isaiah 14:12-15Ezekiel 28:11-19Proverbs 16:18 The world says that this is the happiest time of the year. But, what took place to give us our first Christmas? Follow us on Facebook! our website! us on TikTok!