"Christ Is Coming" Tagged Sermons

"Christ Is Coming" Tagged Sermons

The Coming of the Lord Is Near

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. The Coming of the Lord Is Near 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18John 14:1-3Luke 212 Peter 3Daniel 12:4 Will Jesus actually come back in our lifetime? The signs are there. Follow us on Facebook!https://www.facebook.com/SouthSuburbanChristianCenter/Visit our website!https://www.sschristiancenter.com/

Christ Is Coming-Are You Ready?

Texts: Zechariah 12: 1 – 4; Luke 21: 1 – 30; Isaiah 66: 8 God has put His Name on Israel. We need to keep our eyes on Jerusalem. This is the time of testing. When God makes a promise, He keeps His Promise. All of our disobedience has consequences. Jesus told us these days were coming. (Luke 21:25) Things are closer than what they appear. Don’t be deceived. When Jesus comes, will you be ready?