"Church" Tagged Sermons

"Church" Tagged Sermons

The Call, The Cost, The Crown

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. The Call, The Cost, The Crown Acts 20:17-24Acts 21:1-142 Timothy 4:6-8Romans 8:35-392 Corinthians 11:23-29 The church is flat-lining because it has become comfortable. Follow us on Facebook!https://www.facebook.com/SouthSuburbanChristianCenter/Visit our website!https://www.sschristiancenter.com/

The Problem, The Cause, And The Solution

Text: 2 Chronicles 15:1-7 Are you looking for answers. . .answers to all the ciolence, killings, hatred, racism, and anger? How do we end all of this? In our society, there is a moral disconnect. The moral fiber of our country has left. There is no declaration against sin. The church used to be in the forefront. Now it’s in the background, blending in with the world. The cause of the problem is that there are no more priests and…

How The Church Grows

Text: Acts 11:19-30 The church grows when. . . we recognize everyone in the body of Christ is ministers of the Word of God. We are all servants. The church grows when. . . grace is lived and when grace is given. Everyone needs a Savior! The church grows when. . . there’s no competition in the church. Let’s all move and flow as one. Let’s all encourage one another, not compete against one another. The church grows when. .…

A Healthy Church

Is your church a healthy church? Here’s some questions to ask yourself: Does my church teach sound doctrine? Are the seniors in my church sharing their experiences and teaching the young? Do they strengthen my church? Does the church leadership leave an imprint on others? If so, what type of imprint is it? Always remember to pray for your church!