"Faith" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

"Faith" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

How To Believe God

Text: Hebrews 11:1-6 There are too many people walking around saying they believe God, but they really don’t. If there’s anything more we need in our lives, it’s faith! Unless our faith is followed by action, we’re not in the faith. We’re either operating in faith or in hope. We can say we believe God’s Word is Truth, but if we’re not operating in that Truth, it’s just in our head and not in our heart. We actually just have…

It Is Too Late To Lose Faith

Numbers 13:26-33 Sometimes we question God on what He wants us to do. We question if we have the ability and strength to do it. But, God wants us to get up and move! Don’t question. . .just move! We tend to look at the situation and forget God’s promises to us. We forget everything God has already brought us through. We forget Who God is! When we look at what we’re facing, we may exaggerate it in our minds…

Faith That Conquers Fear

Text: Hebrews 11:1-3 We belong to God, so we don’t have to fear anything! The one thing that destroys fear is faith. When fear grabs us and we start fighting outside of the Word of God, our faith is being destroyed. We’re trying to fight our battles ourselves and not trusting God. God has NEVER failed us! He’s ALWAYS there! We walk by faith and not by sight. Real faith is not focusing on the problem, but keeping our eyes…


Text: Hebrews 11:1 We need faith in order to endure and serve the Lord. Faith is not positive thinking. Faith has to include “God’s will be done.” Faith is not wishful thinking. Faith has an object. Faith is believing in one God. We take God at His Word and obey it no matter what the circumstance. Faith is moving ourselves out of the way and trusting God and His Word. In order for us to stand on the things of…

Faith To Make Changes

Text: 2 Chronicles 14:1-15 Division is caused by disobedience to God, but God always has a remnant. No matter how wicked things may look, God is in control. He will make a way where there is no way. Our times of rest will be times of preparation for things to come. . . .times of preparation and prayer. Then, we put our trust in God. God will use the remnant, but God will fight the battle. Are you just sick…

Faith And Prayer

We are living in an upside down world. Is the turmoil of this world so overwhelming, that we are becoming submissive? How do we change? What do we do?

Refocusing On Your Faith

Our faith is the most valuable thing we have in our walk. Faith is a complete trust in God. It is a God-given gift. So, what do we do when our faith begins to waiver?
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