Are You Rapture Ready: Guarding Against Deception
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 The rapture will come upon us suddenly. Jesus says to not worry about when it will happen. Just be ready! There are so many things in the world trying to get our attention. Don’t even go there! The devil is trying to deceive us, but God tells us to be not deceived. Keep your focus on heaven and continue to fellowship with other believers to be encouraged and to be an encouragement. Be rapture ready!
Are You Rapture Ready
Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 JESUS IS COMING! The rapture of the church is imminent. It can happen at any time. We just have to be ready. The rapture of the church will be the event of the century. It’ll happen all over the world. Believers will be gone! Everyone else will be left behind to go through the 7 year tribulation. Are you rapture ready? Today is the day of salvation!
Increase Is A Requirement, Not A Recommendation
Text: Matthew 25:1-30 People may say, “I’m saved. I know the Lord.” The real question is, “Does the Lord know you?” Our lives are lamps and they should be lit until the day of the Lord. Where is your relationship with the Lord going? Are you growing or is your lamp going out? We can’t be depending on someone else to keep our flame going. It’s up to us to keep our relationship with the Lord on fire. We need…
Don’t Hide Your Talent
Text: Matthew 25:14-30 God knows what we can handle, so He gives to us accordingly. God has given each of us something to do. . .maybe passing out tracts, maybe greeting at the door, maybe singing, maybe working with the youth, etc. God knows what He’s doing. He is not only good to us. He is good for us! Are we being faithful with what He’s called us to do? If we aren’t faithful in the small things, God won’t…
The Tale Of Two Fathers
Texts: 1 Samuel 1:1-5; 2:12-17 God has given the authority to man to take his family to worship the Lord. Man is to be the priest of his home, the provider of his home, and the protector of his home. None of these should ever be greater than a man’s trust in God. He is a good God! We need to put Him first! The man of the house needs to be a man of God! Always honor God in…
Walk In Holiness
Various texts To walk in holiness requires many things. . . . .one being forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there will be no healing in our lives. We must forgive! The only healing for such as depression, mental illness, and suicidal tendencies is the Lord! We need the Lord! He gave His life for us because He loves us and delights in mercy. When we ask, He will cast our sins into the depths of the sea and remember them no more.…
Prayer Changes Everything
Text: Luke 11:1 God has put His special touch on prayer. We are learners and followers of Christ and our job is to get to know our Lord. Jesus did a lot of private praying. If Jesus needed to pray, how much more do we need to pray! The Lord’s prayer is our guidance. We go to our secret place to talk to our Father, who is in heaven. His Name is Holy. We are talking to a Holy God.…
Where Are Your Affections
Text: Colossians 3:1-4; Luke 12:13 In this season, we need to know where our affections are. Where is our focus? Where is our heart? When we accept Jesus, our whole purpose changes. We don’t operate or move like the world does. We only do what the Lord tells us to do. What He tells us to do is His will. How do we find the will of God? Through the Word of God. The Word of God is the mind…
Staying Free From Bondage
Text: Galatians 5:1; 1 John 3:1-2 We don’t want to be a people who are always learning but not living what we learn. Behind every ungodly pleasure is bondage. But, Jesus died on the cross to set us free! And, the one who God sets free is free indeed! Let’s stand on God’s promises! God’s TRUTH!
Bind The Strongman
Texts: 3 John 1:1-3, 11; Matthew 12:43-45 God is not an event! When God speaks, expect it to happen! We have to stop treating God as a program. God desires to bless His people, but we must depart from evil to receive His blessings. When we confess our sin, it’s time to change. We can’t stay the same. God does not forget our confessions, but when we don’t make a change, the devil steps in. God’s Word is real! He…