Sermons (Page 14)

Sermons (Page 14)

Now Is Not The Time To Go To Sleep On Our Prayers

Text: James 5:16 When we pray and ask God what’s on His heart, He’ll tell us. God is concerned about the prayer life of His believers. Lately, prayer has become a thing of convenience. . .only when we need something. When we don’t pray, we are losing out on victories. We should pray because we know where our help comes from. We receive power, we receive blessings, and we draw closer to God. We want God active in our lives.…

Your Deliverance Is In The Word

Text: 2 Timothy 3:16; 1 Corinthians 10:13 We are in a battle every day for the souls of man. We are valuable to God. The enemy doesn’t fight fair or ever give up. There is a war going on and his job is to continue to tempt us until we fall. We have a soul that is eternal and satan is after it! We cannot become lazy and let the enemy get a foothold. Our spirit is willing, but our…

Walk With Purpose

Various texts Be strong and courageous! God is leading us and He will get us to our destination. God prepares the way and will destroy the enemy. God has pulled us out of slavery and we have a mission. God has given us victory! We have an expectation that we are more than conquerors in Christ and we are victorious in every step we take! God wants us to prosper. He has not taken us from slavery for us to…

Watch Because The Time Is Near

Text: Matthew 25:1-10 Jesus warns us to not let the things of the world overtake us. We are pilgrims passing through. Jesus warns us to be watchful and BE ready. . .not GET ready, but BE ready! The world has rebelled against God’s Kingdom. God wants us to be ready for when He comes. He wants us to keep running after Him. Sometimes we get tired, but we need to stay in the race. Satan wants to wear us out,…

Common Sense Christianity And Prayer

Text: 1 John 5:14-15 Sometimes we confuse the Word of God. We make it harder than it is. We cannot say we have fellowship with God and walk in darkness. When we go out into the world to be the light, we cannot have any darkness in us. We are children of light! What we take in through our eyes and ears are what we’re multiplying. When we are born again, we should expect to not sin again. But, if…

Make Up Your Mind-Who Will You Serve?

Texts: Matthew 6:24; Joshua 24:14,15 No man can serve two masters. Everyone serves something! God doesn’t allow His Glory to be shared with anyone! The Bible is our history book. God has made Himself known to us through the written Word. We don’t live by food alone. We live by the Word of God! We can’t serve God and the world. We need to choose. Make up your mind! Who will you serve? We were made by God and for…

Christ Is Our Hope

Text: Titus 1:2; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14; 1 Corinthians 15 All around us today, we see death. . .in all different ways. There is so much we’re facing. Sometimes it looks like death has the victory. How long do we have to deal with fear? Death was not in the world before the fall. God mad EVERYTHING good!. . .until disobedience! All the things we see today is because one man disobeyed God! We need to hold fast to the Word…

Examine Yourself-Are You In The Faith

Text: 2 Corinthians 13:5; Colossians 3:1-5 This is a new year and a new day God has given us. God is always Faithful! As a believer, we walk without hear. We have the blessed hope of glory. Our lives are in His hands. Are you looking for the blessed hope in Christ Jesus? It’s important for us to examine ourselves. We are to be friends of God, not of the world. Are you walking with the Lord? Not everyone who…

Get Sober

Text: Daniel 3:1-30 We are in this world, but not of this world. There is always an attempt at destroying God’s people. Many of us have friends and family who are not saved. We need to ask ourselves, are we a testimony to them or do we get “sucked” into the world’s ways? Can they even tell the difference between us and the world? The world is waiting for the Christian to be a testimony! We can’t look like the…

Peace On Earth

Text: Luke 2:1-15 Times are tough! But, God proclaims there will be peace on earth. God is not angry with us. He loves us. In fact, He even likes us! He knows everything about us, and He still loves us! What an amazing God! Even as He gave His One and Only Son, who was born in a stable, He proclaimed peace on earth. Through these times of COVID, God wants to instill peace in us. Among all the chaos,…