Sermons (Page 18)

Sermons (Page 18)

The Ultimate Love

Text: John 3:16 Do you realize the fullness and the power in John 3:16? God’s motive for giving us His Son is Love. His Love for us! God’s Love has no limits. It’s unconditional. It endures and is healing! His Love is hard for us to understand, but it’s Who He is. God is Love! God loved the world in the midst of our sin and rebellion. He loves us so much that He gave! He gave His Son! Have…

Look Up And Believe

Text: John 3:14-15 Salvation has nothing to do with our works. We must be born again. God looks at our hearts. When we murmur and complain and turn our anger toward God because things haven’t gone our way, we are saying we don’t trust Him. We know better. All of us were sinners bound for hell. But, God sent His Son that we may look up and believe. Look up and live! Jesus died on the cross for our salvation.…

Walk In The Authority

Text: 2 Peter 3:1-9; 2 Chronicles 12-1-14 Sometimes God brings us to a point where we have nothing left. We’re empty. The heavens are like brass. That’s when we say, I won’t let go of You until You bless me! I’m hanging on! Will we be a scoffer or will we persevere? It may not seem like God is moving, but He is! Let’s not give up! He’s pouring out His Spirit! Will we allow God to pour His oil…

You Must Be Born Again-II

Text: John 3:4-10 Have you ever thought that you know what you’re doing and believing is right, but there’s something missing? There’s go to be more? You must be born again! It’s a change on the inside, and only God can do that! God knows our heart. We may look like we have it all together on the outside, but God sees our heart. It’s human nature to be greedy and desire wordly things. That’s the flesh. But, when Jesus…

You Must Be Born Again

Text: John 3:1-3 Everyone is searching for something to explain Who God is. We shouln’t be ashamed to say there is only one way to God and that’s through Jesus Christ. Real love points others to Jesus! Jesus had an issue with “religion”. It’s about relationship. . .not religion. Some of us are just going through the motions, but we’re empty on the inside. We’re not connected! Religion focuses on self, but relationship focuses on Christ. A relationship with Christ…

The Resurrection Brings New Life

Text: Romans 6:4 The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of our faith. He is risen! He lives and He reigns forever! He is at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. Jesus went from humiliation to exaltation. The resurrection connected us to the Father. It’s given us new life. The devil wants us to live seperated from God and from the fellowship of other believers. He wants us to give up on life. But God has…

The Burden Of The Lord

Text: 1 Chronicles 21:1-3 & Nahum 1:5-6 When the pandemic hit, people were on their knees crying out to God. Now that things seem to be turning around, are we going to go back to our wicked ways? We should never get so comfortable with God that we forget His Holiness. He loves us, yes, but He is a jealous God. We are not immune to the devil. There is no such thing as once saved, always saved. If that…

The Belt Of Truth

Text: Ephesians 6:14 Satan is trying to hold on to something that is slipping out of his hands. We are fighting in a warfare that’s already been won! We are victorious! The enemy hates us because Christ loves us. He loves us so much, that He died for us. The enemy is working overtime because his time is short. We need to submit ourselves to God in order to resist the devil. We need to walk in the characteristics of…