Sermons (Page 20)

Sermons (Page 20)

Born Ready To Die

Text: Isaiah 53:1-6 It is time for us to make the name of Jesus great! Proclaim the name of Jesus wherever we go! Jesus came for a purpose! He did not come to make us rich with things of this world. He came to save us from this world. Satan has blinded people from the Truth with the things of this world. It’s time for the church to rise up and spread the Gospel! Spread the Truth! Jesus sets people…

Jesus Did What No One Else Could

Text: Hebrews 10:1-10 What we are experiencing today is no different than what was experienced in Biblical days. There is a movement to minimize Who Jesus is and what He’s done. The truth is, Jesus is the Only Way to God! No matter how smart or how good we think we are, we cannot stop that thing called sin. Jesus is relevant! Jesus is Who we need! Jesus paid the price! Jesus did what no one else could!

A Price Paid With Blood

Text: 1 Peter 1:18-21 We. as believers, are encouraged to live holy lives, according to the Word of God, for we will be judged by a Holy God. We are living in a time right now where people are twisting and perverting the Truth. People are forgetting the price Christ paid for us! We have replaced God’s standards with our opinions. Let’s not forget where we came from and how we got to where we are now. Let’s be believers…

No Weapon

Text: Isaiah 54:17 The Lord has His hand on us to protect us from the enemy, the devil. We are warring against him. He is a liar and the father of lies. But, the devil can’t destroy us! We are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ. Stand firm!

Let’s Get On Track

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:58 We serve a resurrected Savior and that gives us hope and victory! Because He lives! There is still work to do. No matter what’s going on today, God still wants to use us. Sometimes, it’s the small things he wants us to do. It can be a phone call, a word of encouragement, a listening ear, or a prayer. God will reward His people. Our labor is not in vain. Let’s get on track!

God’s Family Structure

Text: Colossians 3:18-19 Ever since the Garden of Eden, there has been an attack on the “family”. A lot of people want to define what “family” is, but God ordained “family” with His Truth. There will be stability in the family when the family structure is put together the way God intended. When we stand on His Truth and do things His way, nothing but good will come of it!

Preparing For Christ’s Coming

1 Peter 4:7-11 We need to have a mind frame for the Second Coming. Jesus is coming back! There are so many things that are trying to break our hope, so we need to have the mind framd to endure. The Kingdom of God cannot be stopped! It’s going forward, either with us or without us. It’s our choice! Are you ready?

The Attitude For The End Times

Text: 1 Peter 4:1-6 It’s good to know what’s coming and be informed, but we must remember to live life for Christ. There is an attitude for the end times. We need to grab hold of as much of Jesus as we can. We can’t lose focus. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but our trust needs to be in Jesus like never before. We need to be in tune with the Spirit. . .move when He tells us…

The Discipline Of The Church

1 Peter 4:17-19 Judgement is going to begin with the church. We need to be alert. God is examining His church like never before. He is checking to see if we’re in the faith and checking hearts, motives, lives, and works. He wants to bring a refining fire. He loves us so much, He wants to prepare us for what’s to come. The judgement that God is bringing to the church is not condemnation. It is a chastisement to make…

The Goodness Of God

Psalm 23 The role of a shepherd is very hard, yet intimate. The Lord is our Shepherd. He is very intimate with us. He attends to our every need. We have a Shepherd who loves us and takes care of us. With all the chaos, we can rest in God and have peace. There is no fear in God. He is with us! Let’s keep our eyes on Him! God wants us to live to our fullest potential and live…