The God That Helps
Text: Psalm 121 We need to confess the goodness of God! Let’s not let the enemy stop us. Some people are battling and struggling non-stop. The enemy is trying to bring them down. That’s the time to rise up and confess His Goodness! Confess all He’s done for you. Brag on Jesus and see Him move in your life. Who is God to you? Confess it!
How To Respond To The King
Psalm 100 His courts are open wide for us to come in and worship Him. There is nothing keeping us from coming before Him and giving Him praise. God is good ALWAYS in EVERYTHING! There is no failure in God. He always operates in Truth. We didn’t deserve the goodness of God, but that’s Who God is! He gave us His Son, Jesus! Lift up the Name of Jesus and bless His Holy Name!
The Protection Of God
Text: Psalms 91 God shows His mercy on the just and the unjust. But, the one who rests in God and dwells in His Presence can be assured of His comfort and peace. What are you resting in? If we’re not striving to live in God’s Presence, we’re not living life! We all need a “secret place” to meet with God. That’s our holy place where we find comfort, peace, rest, and protection under God. He is our refuge. Even…
Seizing The Kingdom
Matthew 11:12 We need more John the Baptists! People who are not ashamed to preach the True Word of God. . .uncompromised! God is the Creator of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE! There is something bigger than us and that is God! There is a price to pay to get into the Kingdom. We need to be born into the Kingdom. That involves repentance. . .turning away from sin and turning to God. Repentance means a Godly sorrow. Getting into the Kindgom…
What Do You Want The Lord To Say
Matthew 7:21-23 All of the works and good acts that we do will not get us into heaven. We are nothing without Jesus. Not everyone who professes Lord, Lord is saved. Many talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. There is more than just confessing Jesus. . .something deeper. We have a lot of “learned” conditions, but there needs to be a change in us. There needs to be repentance and obedience. We need to be doing the will…
You Will Know Them By Their Fruit
Text: Matthew 7:15-20 We need discernment. . .the ability to know right from wrong. . .a lie from the Truth. . .the ability to think biblically! One of the biggest tools satan uses is deception. So many people are on the wide road and don’t even know it. They belive they’re on their way to heaven. Be aware of false prophets! They may look the part and sound good, but they are deceiving! Have discernment! Satan is playing for keeps!…
The Narrow Way
Matthew 7:13,14 It’s too late in the game to “play the game.” It’s time to stand up and declare who we are standing for. . .who we are serving! There is a battle raging and it’s time to make up our minds and go all in! It’s time for action! It’s time to live what we profess! Jesus commands us to make up our minds. . .either the narrow way or the broad way. When we decide to enter the…
Do Not Judge
Matthew 7:1-6 We sometimes judge others out of self righteousness. It makes us feel better about ourselves. We belittle others to lift ourselves up. As believers, we are called to tell the truth and stand for truth. We are called to judge. . .in the right attitude and in love. We are called to take a stand! That is not being judgemental. It’s being truthful. As believers, we have to discern and challenge. We love unconditionally, but we don’t love…
Jesus Moved With Compassion
Text: Matthew 9:35-38 Jesus gave His life for you and me. We are important in His eyes. He loves us with an everlasting love. He gives us joy, peace, and eternal life. He is the Answer! Where will you spend eternity? Once you die, you cannot change the situation. God sent His Son because of His grace for you and me. Jesus is more than enough! Do you need rest for your soul today? God can give you that rest.…
1 Peter 5:5,6 Leaders and elders are to set the example. . .not just in the church, but in their lives. It’s about how we serve! Everyone in leadership needs to see the importance of how we act, in and out of church. Our reward is seeing people come to the Lord and seeing relationships restored. It has nothing to do with our “titles”. The older people should teach the younger. We need to share our life’s experiences. . .share…