Sermons (Page 22)

Sermons (Page 22)

I Am Crucified With Christ

Text: Galatians 2:19,20 Some people believe in order to please God, it’s all about works. But, it’s not! It’s all about the cross. We need to stop trying to please others. God didn’t make us to please man, but to glorify Him! We have been crucified with Christ, therefore, we are dead to the “dos” and “don’ts” of man’s law. Our life is no longer our own. We belong to Jesus! That’s our identity. We are not underneath the power…

Do Not Abandon The Gospel

Text: Galatians 1:6-10 When we are going through the tough times, this is the time for the church to rise up and not be silent. The church stands for the Gospel and we have the answer for anything and everything we’re going through! The answer is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The Gospel is the Good News! The Gospel shows us that we are sinners, but we have the answer for sin. There was a sacrifice that was made for…

Stay Focused! Stay Ready!

Text: Matthew 24:1-5; 42-43 We’ve heard this many times and maybe even asked it ourselves: “When will the world end?” We can be guaranteed, as believers, that we must stay ready! Especially now, the way things are going. No one knows the day or the hour of Jesus’ return, but God said He’ll give us signs. It’ll be as in the days of Noah. The world is still eating and drinking as if nothing is happening. They don’t see the…

Whose Fault Is It

Text: Isaiah 59:1-8 People want justice and answers. They’re demanding wrongs to be made right. We need to understand who’s at fault. Some blame God because they can’t understand why He’s allowed this to happen. Some blame the enemy or the sickness that’s going around. It’s all external blame. Nothing is directed at ourselves. It’s not God, our enemies, or the sickness. It’s our sin! Our sin has hidden God’s face from us. We have to stop and look at…

There Must Be Birth Pains

Text: Romans 8:19-22 ALL creation is waiting for God to reveal. . .US! It’s waiting patiently, eagerly, and with expectation for us to fully have our adoption in Jesus Christ. No part of nature exists the way God intended it to exist because of sin. Even man is not living to the fullness of what God intended because of sin. Because of the fall of man, from that point on, nothing has functioned the way God intended it to function.…

From Suffering To Glory

Text: Romans 8:18 There’s a suffering aspect in the believer’s life that has to take place. This suffering takes place because we are associated with Christ. We suffer because we are being made into the image of our Lord and Savior. We suffer because we are denying the world and standing true to scripture. This is considered suffering, because people get offended when presented with the Gospel. We also have the suffering of the present age because of the fall…

Freedom From Sin

Text: Romans 8:1-4 We are free from the guilt and the penalty of sin. Have you ever tried and tried and tried to do what’s right, but kept falling short? Oh, what a wretched man am I! But, God says we are not condemned if we’re serving Him. Right now and forever, we are not condemned! To be in Christ is to be born again and to have complete faith and trust in Him. Only believers have this freedom. Do…

Adopted Into God’s Family

Text: Romans 8:14-17 We need to know who we are and where we came from. We need the assurance. In order to be a child of God, there is a requirement. We must be lead by the Spirit of God. He guides us into all Truth. He reveals to us Who Jesus is. The Holy Spirit leads us to repentance. He helps us to die to the flesh. He helps us to be who we were created to be. We…

The Holy Spirit And Our Responsibility

Text: Romans 8:12-13 Once we are born again, the Holy Spirit lives in us. Because of that, we are no longer controlled by the flesh, but by the Spirit. We’ve been pocessed by the Holy Spirit. We are no longer dead to sin, but alive in Christ. We now have a new position. We’ve been made righteous. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in us! Therefore, we have the promise of eternal life. We are…

New Life

Text: Romans 8:9-11 When we give our lives over to Christ, we have a new position in life. A transformation has taken place and our thinking has changed. We now have the Holy Spirit living in us and we are no longer controlled by our sin nature. New life has begun! We are brand new! We’ve been sealed with the Holy Spirit. Our identity has changed and we no longer operate in the flesh. Those who live in the flesh…