Sermons (Page 24)

Sermons (Page 24)

The Whole Duty Of Man

Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? What’s our purpose? Even in death, there is something ahead. Do we believe that? Scripture tells us that all the things that don’t bring glory to God are meaningless. There is nothing but meaningless things attached to this world. Everything is vanity. . .full of the flesh. The Word of God is the direction on how to get to Glory. The Truth is the only thing that will…

Who Is Jesus To You

When we get an understanding of who God is, it’ll change us on the inside. Jesus cannot be common to us. Then we lose our reverance for Him. We need to follow Him! The servant is not greater than his Master. If Jesus suffered, what makes us think we won’t? To follow Jesus is a sacrifice. We need to deny ourselves. We can’t look back when we follow Jesus. If we do, we are not fit for the Kingdom. We…

Jesus Prayed For The Helper

Text: John 14:15-18 The Holy Spirit is what is needed in this world today. If we’re going to have an impact for His Kingdom, we must truly depend on and trust in the working of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said if we really love Him, we will be obedient to Him. The true test is not what we say, but our walk with the Lord. Are we obeying Him and applying His Truth to our lives? Real love brings about…

The School Of Grace

Text: Titus 2:11-14 We need to stand on sound doctrine as never before. Doctrine that teaches us how to live “saved” and how to conduct ourselves as believers. When we do this, we are setting an example for others. When others see us, they should be seeing God. We need to live like this in church, in our homes, and on our jobs. The Word of God is sacred and we should treat is as such. It is an honor…

Full Access Granted

Text: Hebrews 10:19-22 When we have issues in our lives, the one thing we should do, but don’t do, is go to God. We talk to everyone else, but Him. We have full access granted to the things of God. It is there for us! We can go boldly into the Holy of Holies with reverance and with confidence. We have access to the Father because of the blood of Jesus.It wasn’t until Jesus died that we had access to…

Full Access Granted

Text: Hebrews 10:19-22 When we have issues in our lives, the one thing we should do, but don’t do, is go to God. We talk to everyone else, but Him. We have full access granted to the things of God. It is there for us! We can go boldly into the Holy of Holies with reverance and with confidence. We have access to the Father because of the blood of Jesus.It wasn’t until Jesus died that we had access to…

It’s A Battle For Your Soul

Joshua 3:1-5 We are living in a time when there is “no new thing under the sun.” Things that have been are already happening now. The things that we are about to face are on a higher level. We need to be asking, “Where is the church today at this time?” We need to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. Then, we have to prepare ourselves for the battle. We are the body of Christ. We…

The Gift Of Grace

Text: John 1:14-18 When we have an opportunity to lift up Jesus, we should take it. Jesus is a Gift to us. . .a Gift of Grace and we need to be grace-givers. In order to give grace, we must understand what grace is. Jesus is full of grace and truth. Because of that, He loves and forgives the sinner. When we use the word “grace”, we are talking about Jesus. God gave His Son, the Best, because He loves…

It Is Too Late To Lose Faith

Numbers 13:26-33 Sometimes we question God on what He wants us to do. We question if we have the ability and strength to do it. But, God wants us to get up and move! Don’t question. . .just move! We tend to look at the situation and forget God’s promises to us. We forget everything God has already brought us through. We forget Who God is! When we look at what we’re facing, we may exaggerate it in our minds…

Having An Encounter With God

Text: Psalm 34:8 & 9 Sometimes things happen in our lives that we have no control over and we don’t have the answer. Those are the times when we need an encounter with God. We need to surrender all to God! Sometimes those situations can put us in bondage. Certain situations can hurt us and confuse us. That’s when we need an encounter with God. He may ask us to go beyond our comfort zone, but we must surrender and…