Being Born Again
Text: John 3:1-8 When we are “about our Father’s business”, people are drawn to us. They see what we’re doing and how we’re acting. This is our opportunity to share the Truth. We can talk the talk, but we need to walk the walk. We can look and act like Christians, but if we’re not born again, we will not inherit the Kingdom of God. We must be in right standing with God. We need to know Christ for ourselves…
The Valley Of Dry Bones
Text: Ezekiel 37:1-3 In Jewish customs, the 50th year is the year of Jubilee. . .the day of Restoration. As Christians, every day is a day of Jubilee. . .a day of Restoration and Freedom! In the church, there are many “dry bones”. . .people who complain and cause dissension. They have no life in them, but they make a lot of noise. These dry bones need life! But God will send His ministers with flames of fire to these…
Glory Only In The Cross
Text: Galatians 6:12-15 We sometimes make our salvation very difficult for ourselves with rules and regulations. We try to add things on to the work of the cross. Once that happens, it becomes a burden. . .especially for new christians. They feel like they’re never going to be able to do it. . .too many dos and don’ts. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to do His work. We need to be careful with new converts. We can and…
Choices And Consequences
Text: Galatians 6:7-10 We can sacrifice all we want, but if our heart is not in the right place, it’s all null and void. We can’t lie to ourselves and think it’s okay. Satan is the master deceiver. When we call wrong right, we are deceiving ourselves. When we believe the things of this world as truth, we are deceiving ourselves. There are many people who believe they’re on their way to heaven when they are not. They are believing…
More Restoration And Less Condemnation
Text: Galatians 6:1-5 We all know there are challenges in our lives where we sin and fall short. Sometimes we are overtaken by sin because we’ve let our guard down. We do things we know we shouldn’t do or go places we know we shouldn’t go. We need to walk in the Spirit and crucify the flesh. We must guard our hearts. The devil wants us to think we’ll never make it and we’re not good enough because we keep…
Idolatry And The Fear Of God
Text: Acts 20:18-21 We need to be ready to accept the Word of God as Truth, because His Truth is what will set us free. God is not playing games. Sometimes we find ourselves fearing the Lord because we don’t want the punishment that comes along with sin. We don’t fear Him because we love him or honor Him. Once we do something out of fear, it’s slavery. We are doing it for the wrong reason. We fear the Lord,…
God Delights In The Prayers Of The Saints
Text: Proverbs 15:8 God takes pleasure in us when we walk uprightly. When we are serving Him, it brings a delight to Him. But, God also cannot stand the wicked. He cares about how we live! The wicked are those who don’t value Truth and live a sinful life. They don’t care! God says the wicked will not inherit the Kingdom of God. God does not like service with no repentance! God does not like disobedience to the Word of…
Praying To An Almighty God
Text: 2 Chronicles 20:1-12 We need to have full trust in Him! With all that’s going on in the world, can you say. . .my trust is in Him! This is the time to be calling out to God because He will answer! Do you know that? Do you belive that? We need to know how to come to the Lord in prayer. We need to first recognize our own limitations. That should make us run to the Almighty God…
God Is Sovereign
We serve a Sovereign God! Whatever happens in and out of the universe, God has authority! God is the only One who can say He’s above EVERRYTHING! He’s the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and The End! He created ALL things and holds ALL things together in the physical and spiritual realms; above the earth and under the earth. There is no limitations in the knowledge of God. He has the answer to every problem. Nothing catches God by surprise…
Who Do You Obey
Text: Romans 6:15-16 Sin no longer has a hold on us. Jesus Christ paid the price and He defeated sin. Because of the price He paid, we have power over sin. If you’ve given your life over to Jesus, you have new life today! Before we knew who Jesus was and what He’s done for us, we were in sin and our bodies were weapons for satan. We did things that were distructive, ungodly, unclean, and unholy. But, Praise be…