Sermons (Page 27)

Sermons (Page 27)

God Is Faithful No Matter What

Text: Lamentations 3:18-26 Sometimes we can be so impatient. Everything is so “instant” today, we don’t value the meaning of patience. Some things we go through are to teach us. God is Faithful and Just in all that He does. Sometimes we need to stop and think about what we’re going through. It could be to humble us, help us learn patience, or increase our faith. God also comes with judgement and correction in our lives. He disciplines those He…

Staying Focused On The Mission

Text 1 Peter 5:8-9 When we’re idle, we are not focused. We are open. . .and the devil comes in. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. How many times have we just done things on impulse? We do this when we’re not focused. . .when we’re idle. The devil never stops. He will take us further than we want to go, make us stay longer than we want to stay, and pay more than we want to pay! When…

Faith That Conquers Fear

Text: Hebrews 11:1-3 We belong to God, so we don’t have to fear anything! The one thing that destroys fear is faith. When fear grabs us and we start fighting outside of the Word of God, our faith is being destroyed. We’re trying to fight our battles ourselves and not trusting God. God has NEVER failed us! He’s ALWAYS there! We walk by faith and not by sight. Real faith is not focusing on the problem, but keeping our eyes…

What Are You Afraid Of

Text: Psalm 27:1-3 Satan loves to use fear on us to keep us bound and paralyzed. When we look at all the turmoil, the enemy steps in and uses fear as a tactic. The dangerous thing about fear is it takes us out of our Godly character. We start believing lies. Fear is a lack of faith and without faith we cannot please God. The Lord is our Hope! He is the Light that gives us direction. The Lord is…

What’s Streaming From Within You

Text: John 15:1-11 We can always tell when we’re not plugged into the Word the way we should be. We’re not where we should be in the Lord. It’s a bad place to be. Pruning is necessary! It is always done with God’s purpose in mind. All of us need to be pruned to bear fruit. Inspecting the fruit is necessary! This is an indicator of how we are really doing spiritually. When we neglect our spiritual lives, it makes…

Jesus Can Set You Free. . .For Real

Text: John 8:31-36 How many of us have been set free by Jesus Christ? What makes us free? Many people today are creating their own Jesus, creating their own Bible, and creating their own definition of truth. They are missing out on what the Lord has given us through Jesus Christ. We are getting down to the nitty grityy of things and it’s time to make the decision. . .for Christ I live and for Christ I die! No more…

Don’t Go Back-Trust God To The End

Text: Hebrews 10:35-39 How many people start out with God, but don’t end up with God? They seem to have lost their faith. Our faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. God operates by His Word and that is good enough! When God says it, we need to believe it, and that should settle it! We have a sixth sense, and that’s faith! We need to believe what God says. If we know there are things…

Restoring Our Joy

Text: Mark 10:46-52 Whenever we recognize we’ve lost our way, we need to cry out to God. When we come to church just because we know we should and not because we can’t wait to praise our God, it’s time to cry out to God to help us! We must keep our faith, and trust God to restore our joy! God wants to hear us ask Him for what we need. If our earthly father helps us with our needs,…

Not Delayed But Mercy

Text: 2 Peter 3:1-9 It’s hard to pray and say, “Lord, come quickly” when we have unsaved loved ones. The Word of God needs to be active in our lives. We need to be “stirred up” by it. We need to live as if Jesus is coming back any second. . .because He could! When we stand up for the Truth, we’ll hear from scoffers. . .those who live for their own desires and lusts. They don’t want to hear…

The Longing For Christ’s Return

Text: Romans 8:18-26 The war is raging on! The battles are increasing! Deep inside every believer is the longing for Christ to come back and make things right. Even creation is crying out for Jesus to make things right! Creation has an understanding of Who God is. We are so tired of the way things are, that we are groaning, Maranatha! Jesus come quickly! We cry out even for ourselves. We’re tired of our sinful selves. We groan for our…