Sermons (Page 28)

Sermons (Page 28)

When God Gets Fed Up

Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8 God’s time is not as our time. God is long suffering. But, God can only take so much because He is a Holy God! There is no hurt as deep as when a child hurts and disrespects his parents. We are children of God. We can only hurt and disrespect our Father for so long before He gets fed up. What one generation tolerates, another will legislate. We must be careful of the things we allow…

The Resurrection Leads To New Life

Text: Romans 6:4-11 We have a triumphant Savior! Jesus Christ defeated death! The Gospel is REAL and is the TRUTH and our lives depend on it! The Resurrection brings to us a New Life. Because of the Resurrection, we can say good-bye to our old life. We have to die to our sinful life. We have the Power over sin. We cannot hold onto the things of the world and the things of Christ. They cannot co-exist! We can have…


Text:Philippians 4:4 We need to rejoice! We have things in life that burden us and distract us. They keep us from rejoicing in the Lord. Satan wants to rob us of our joy. We can’t focus on these things because that only burdens us more and distracts us more. The Bible tells us to rejoice in the Lord! We can rejoice in the midst of our trials because we have hope, we have the Answer, we know Someone who will…

No Cross-No Kingdom

Text: Matthew 16:21-28 Satan does everything he can to keep us from talking about the cross. It’s offensive to many people. But, without the cross, the shed blood of Jesus, there would be no Gospel. The devil offers the kingdom without the cross. He gets into leadership! Some preachers today are not preaching the full Gospel. They are preaching false doctrine and lies, and many people are being deceived because of this. We need to be careful what we’re going…

Prayer Works So Don’t Give Up

Text: Luke 18:1 Nothing can hinder God when we pray. All we need to do is cry out to Him! When bad things happen, we have a tendancy to play the blame game. We feel we need to blame someone. But, that’s when we need to encourage ourselves in the Lord. We don’t need to have someone intercede for us. We can go to our God ourselves! We need to believe the Word, pray the Word, and move on that…

How To Defeat The Flesh

What would you say is the greatest battle hindering your Christian growth? If you think about it, YOU are your greatest hindrance! We want things done our way and we want them done NOW! We walk in the flesh which is totally against Godly things. We need to crucify the flesh and we can’t do that on our own. We need Jesus! We must take up our cross daily. God has power over our weaknesses. Satan has no power over…

The War Within

Text: Romans 7:21-25 We all recognize that we’re in a battle, by the world around us. But, we are also in a battle within ourselves. There is a war against our flesh and our spirit. Our flesh wants to rebel against the things of God. It can be things as simple as praying or reading our Bibles. We may love God and His Word, but our flesh will fight against it. When we follow our own ways, nothing good will…

Notice The Time That We’re In:Because Of You And Me

The enemy is on the move. Our youth are used to what the enemy has done to them. It’s not right that our youth have gun drills in the school. In case a shooter steps on the premises, they have drills of where to go and what to do. And, they’re used to it! It’s unsatisfactory! It’s not normal! Yet, they’re used to it! There’s more gun violence every year in Chicago than any war that’s going on. It’s not…

Tainted Worship

Text: Exodus 32:1-6 We have tainted worship going on right now in the church. Those who are blending the things of the world with the Gospel. Tainted worship begins when leaders compromise the Gospel. They give people what they want, not what they need. When Jesus ascended into heaven, we were left a commission. . .give the people what they need. . .the Truth! But, some leaders today are guiding people into a stagnant worship. Many leaders today do not…

You Must Bear Good Fruit

Text: Luke 13:1-9 We all must bear the good fruit of repentance. This has to be a changing of our minds. Repentance precedes salvation. We need to act in ways that prove our repentance. . .that prove we’ve changed. We cannot walk the same way and do the same things and say we’ve repented. . .because we haven’t! Let’s not think we’re okay because our parents are in church or our uncle is a deacon. It doesn’t matter! Our ancestoral…