Sermons (Page 30)

Sermons (Page 30)

How The Church Should Walk

Text: Ephesians 5:15-20 Is what the church  doing, right now, how the church is supposed to be? Is this how we should walk? Not just the church, but each one of us, individually. We need to make a connection, personally, with the Lord and then make a committment to Him. Our walk has to be taken care of so we avoid any hindrances or pitfalls. God wants us to live a truthful life. God wants more out of us than…

Whatever It Takes-Finish The Race

Text: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Our generation is the End Times. We are the LAST of the Last Days! What is it going to take to stay saved and run this race? Sometimes we have to look at the past, because it helps us to understand the questions: “What happened in the past and what happens when we don’t take heed to the warnings that God gives us?” The rumor of what God will do for us, travels. And, the enemy…

The Portrait Of A Thankful Heart

Text: Psalm 103 Sometimes we focus on the negative, but we need to remember that it’s only a small fraction compared to what God has done for us or has planned for us. We should be blessing the Name of the Lord, for He is Holy! Let everything we say and do bring Glory to the Lord. The goodness of God doesn’t come because of what we do. It comes because of what He did on the cross. He blesses…

Spiritual Warfare

Text: 1 Peter 5:8-9 Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants our faith! He wants our soul! He wants to take the Gospel out of us! He is doing everything he can to take what God has given us. . .His Truth! How do we know if we’re in a battle? If we’re claiming the Name of Jesus. . .the battle is on! We need to recognize we have a foe. . .a defeated foe, but one, none-the-less.…

The Believer And The Kingdom Of Darkness

Text: Ephesians 6:10 Satan’s purpose is to try to destroy God’s people. Satan has a kingdom. . .the kingdom of darkness, which includes sickness, sin, witchcraft, death, etc. But, God has a Kingdom. . .Holiness, joy, healing, deliverance, life, etc. Jesus came to give life abundantly for us. God does not want us to be partakers of the kingdom of darkness. Hell is real! Heaven is real! Jesus is real. . .believe it or not! It’s our choice. We must…

We Are In A War And God Will Teach Us How To Fight

Text: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 How do we fight? We fight in the Spirit. We don’t retaliate as the world does because we are children of God. The world doesn’t fight fair. It fights with lies, deception, malice, and unforgiveness. All to win battles, but they’re all a waste of time. To operate in the Spirt, we must pray, forgive, and love! We fight with the weapons God has given us. They are blood-bought weapons. . .the sword (Truth-the Word of…

Our Awesome God

Text: Isaiah 40:21-31 Behold your God! Who can tell God what to do? Who can tell God how to do things? Who is an equal to God? NO ONE! He is God! He is the revelation of EVERYTHING that exists! Look around. EVERYTHING declares His Glory! Why do we complain and say God is not here with us? God cares! He keeps track of every star in the sky. He isn’t a God that comes. . . . . .He’s…

Security In God

Text: Psalm 57 It’s a matter of the heart. Where is our hope? Our hope is in God! Sometimes we can get so overwhelmed by our trials, we forget we have the victory in Christ. Yes, we have an enemy who is after us, but we have security in God. To have security, we must pray! We must call out to the Lord, so fear won’t grip our hearts. Prayer helps us make the right choices. Where there is no…

Trust In God

Psalm 46 There is so much going on in the world today that it is concerning. We may be thinking, “What’s going to happen next?”  Sometimes we can have an overload of information come our way. It may make us fearful. What do we do then? Turn to the Word of God and trust Him! He is our Refuge and our Strength! He is our Protector! He is our Provider! He is our ever present help in time of trouble!…

Strength In Weakness

Text: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 As we go through life, we come to the realization that things will not always go our way. But, the Word of God gives us instructions on how to deal with the twists and turns and ups and downs of life. Our struggles in life make us realize that we have a real enemy. . .satan! The “thorn in our side” comes in many forms. . .sickness, finances, a wayward child, a broken marriage, etc. God…