Sermons (Page 32)

Sermons (Page 32)

The Judgement Seat Of Christ

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:9-11 One day we will stand before the Lord and be judged for what we did for Jesus. Good and bad will be addressed by the Lord. We will be judged for our character, our motives, what we’ve done to make an impact of others, and how we worked for the Kingdom. Jesus layed a foundation for us to build on. We need to ask ourselves: What have I built on top of that foundation? Do I…

The Comfort Of Christ’s Coming

Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Have you ever had a great expectation of something that is going to happen? Even more, we should have that kind of expectation for the coming of the Lord. There is a comfort in knowing He is coming back for us. We are not to be ignorant of this. He is coming back for His Church. . .for us who are saved!  We will spend eternity with Him. That is our great expectation! It is the…

The Power Of Prayer

Text: James 5:17-18 We need to change. We need the Power of the Holy Spirit to shake us. When the Power is upon us, there is no fear. We will boldly proclaim the Gospel. We have been given the authority to bind and loose here on earth, and it will be done! We serve a living God! Our families and society is falling apart. We need to take responsibility and turn our families to the Lord. No more time to…

Ask, Seek, And Knock

Text: Luke 11:5-10 Have you realized that the disciples of John, and even Jesus had a prayer life? When the disciples saw Jesus’ prayer life, they wanted it. They wanted to pray like John’s disciples. These people prayed! They asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, so He taught them  by giving them the model of prayer. It’s a heart-felt prayer, and it all starts with a relationship. You can’t call someone “Father” unless you have a relationship with…

A Prayer For Wisdom And Revelation

Text: Ephesians 1:15-23 Did you know we have treasures stored up that we don’t even know about? Some of the things we’re looking for, we already have in Christ Jesus. We need to be praying for the wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. We need to understand Who God is. We may know all the facts about Him, but do we have a personal relationship with Him? Once we know Who He really is, we can apply that…

The Prayer Of Rebuilding

Text: Nehemiah 1:1-11 We have been placed in strategic places to do God’s will. God has placed us where we are for a reason. We shouldn’t take it lightly. When we look at the world today, things are in ruin. . .marriages are in trouble, drugs, alcohol, physical and mental abuse, fear, worry, and the list goes on. Our walls are destroyed. They’re crumbling and we don’t know what to do. We feel helpless. What can we do? What should…

Keep Fighting Or Start Fighting

Text: 1 Timothy 6:12 We are in a battle! The enemy is after our souls and he’s relentless! He doesn’t play fair and there are no rules! He’s coming after you, and if he can’t get you, he’ll try to get your children. If he can’t get them, he’ll try to get your spouse. From the moment you said “yes” to the Lord, you declared yourself an enemy to satan. We’re at war with the flesh. It’s a spiritual battle.…


Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Our gifts are for ALL to profit from. They are to bring the glory back to Christ. Every gift must include LOVE! God wants us to serve in LOVE! It’s called Agape love. . . an unconditional love. . . a selfless love. It is for the benefit of others. If we serve and use our gifts without love, it is ineffective. Are you walking in love? Are you serving in love?

The Holy Spirit In The Church

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 We can have some great experiences, but if we don’t have the understanding of the experience, it does us no good. The same thing is true in the church. If we don’t understand the working of the Holy Spirit, our focus can be on a counterfeit spirit, instead of the real thing. We need to be very careful and discern the spirits. Anything that takes us outside the Word of God is not the Holy Spirit.…

Walk In The Spirit

Text: Galatians 5:16-18 What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? It’s a continual lifestyle. . .our minds, our emotions, and our actions. It’s a “faith walk”. We have to believe that once we received Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit came to live in us and changed our wicked hearts. We cannot keep ourselves. We need the Power of the Spirit working in us. The Holy Spirit is our guide. He is leading us to spiritual maturity.…