Sermons (Page 36)

Sermons (Page 36)

A Call To Maturity

Text: Hebrews 5:11-14 Many of us are “stuck” in our spiritual life and God wants us to go deeper. Our growth in Christ not only depends on the Pastor. . .it also depends on us! It’s up to us to move forward and not become sluggish and slow in the things of God. When the “dull of hearing” kicks in, the drifting begins.  We don’t want to be challenged in our sin. We don’t want to be told about the…

We Can Go To Jesus

Text: Hebrews 4:14-16 Isn’t it amazing when hard times come, how we often forget what we have in Christ? No matter how overwhelming the situation, NEVER forget what we have in Jesus! Jesus is our High Priest. Jesus is in heaven right now, praying for us. Why? Because we have an accuser called satan. But, Jesus paid the price for our sin. Jesus, our Mediator! Jesus, our Intercessor! Jesus, our Defense Lawyer! Jesus is the One who connects us back…

Pay Attention

Text: Hebrews 2:1-4 Have any of you felt like you were drifting away? Your mind starts wondering? God wants us to pay attention and not drift away. He wants us to not be hearers only, but doers of His Word. The things of this world can slowly make us drift away from God. When we let our spiritual lives unattended, we begin to drift. The Word of God, prayer, and church attendance beome irrelevant in our lives. It’s gradual, but…

Jesus Is Simply Better

Text: Hebrews 1:1-4 There are things going on, distractions of the world, that are taking our eyes off what’s really important. . .Jesus! When tradition, religion, and good works take the place of a relationship with Jesus, there’s a problem. Some may think Jesus is a prophet, but the truth is, Jesus is God! It is only through Jesus that we see God. Jesus was the first that existed. Jesus was the agent used for all creation. Jesus is the…

Do You Have Enough Oil?

Text: Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus is coming back and He wants us to be ready! The church is like the 10 virgins in this parable. Some of us are prepared for the Lord’s return and some of us are not. Some come to church every Sunday and worship the Lord with the best of them. Some even get baptized and join the church. We know how to dress, how to act, and the right things to say. We have all the…

The Day Is Almost Night And You Don’t Want To Lose This Fight

Text: Proverbs 4:23 The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. We need to fear God! The issues of life tell us where we are with God. Guard you heart! We need to massage our hearts daily with the Word of God. If we don’t, our hearts will seek their own desires. When that happens, it wants to get rid of everything that has to do with God. It’s only when we go through issues that we see what’s…

Get Your House In Order

Text Luke 21:25-27 Judgement will begin in the house of the Lord. WE ARE THE HOUSE OF THE LORD! Each one of us! We are arrogant and full of pride. Ask God to examine your heart now. Why? He will show you the hidden things. Bring your best to God. He is coming back! Saturate yourself in the Word of God. Remember to ask God for discernment. . .deception is big in these last days. We need to look to…

Beware Of The Last Days Deception

Text: Matthew 24:4-9 Do Not Be Deceived! Deception is the ability to make something false look real. Deception is meant to lead you into destruction. The devil is on our trail! He wants to twist God’s Word. We have to fight for what is real! There’s only one Truth and it’s the Word of God! God is saying, “Look up for your redemption draws nigh.” We have to understand the time and the hour we’re living in. We’re living in…

The Problem, The Cause, And The Solution

Text: 2 Chronicles 15:1-7 Are you looking for answers. . .answers to all the ciolence, killings, hatred, racism, and anger? How do we end all of this? In our society, there is a moral disconnect. The moral fiber of our country has left. There is no declaration against sin. The church used to be in the forefront. Now it’s in the background, blending in with the world. The cause of the problem is that there are no more priests and…