Beware Of The Last Days Deception
Text: Matthew 24:4-9 Do Not Be Deceived! Deception is the ability to make something false look real. Deception is meant to lead you into destruction. The devil is on our trail! He wants to twist God’s Word. We have to fight for what is real! There’s only one Truth and it’s the Word of God! God is saying, “Look up for your redemption draws nigh.” We have to understand the time and the hour we’re living in. We’re living in…
The Problem, The Cause, And The Solution
Text: 2 Chronicles 15:1-7 Are you looking for answers. . .answers to all the ciolence, killings, hatred, racism, and anger? How do we end all of this? In our society, there is a moral disconnect. The moral fiber of our country has left. There is no declaration against sin. The church used to be in the forefront. Now it’s in the background, blending in with the world. The cause of the problem is that there are no more priests and…
Faith To Make Changes
Text: 2 Chronicles 14:1-15 Division is caused by disobedience to God, but God always has a remnant. No matter how wicked things may look, God is in control. He will make a way where there is no way. Our times of rest will be times of preparation for things to come. . . .times of preparation and prayer. Then, we put our trust in God. God will use the remnant, but God will fight the battle. Are you just sick…
A Faithless Worship
Text: Genesis 4:1-12 Two men born of the same parents, raised the same way, born into sin. One recognized his sin, but the other didn’t. One offered a faith sacrifice to the Lord, but the other offered a faithless sacrifice. . . .a faithless worship. Two men born into iniquity. . . .one got it right, but the other got it wrong. God wants our best. He wants a broken and contrite spirit; a heart that is pure to the…
The Penalty That Brought Hope
Text: Genesis 3:14-24 Everything God created was glorious and He created it all for man. It was perfect! Adam had everything he needed, but then sin entered the world. Since God is a Holy and Just God, He cannot look upon sin. Evil and wrong cannot get past God. It must be judged. Because of what took place in the Garden, our world has been turned upside down, where there used to be harmony. Satan came in and disrupted all…
The Tragedy Of Sin
Text: Genesis 3:6-13 As humans, when we believe in something, that tends to be our truth. When we disobey God, we are saying that we know better than Him. We can do things our own way and we don’t need Him. When we do this, it becomes sin. It is outside the will of God. Sin brings on shame. That’s when we try to cover up our sins. The only thing we should do, is go to the Father. If…
The Fall Of Man: The Strategy Of The Enemy
Text: Genesis 3:1-5 Has anyone ever said, “If only I had. . . . . . . . . ., things would be so much better.” The enemy comes and disguises himself. He’s a counterfeiter, a deceiver, a flatter, a liar, a tempter, and so much more. He humors us and offers us false freedom. . . .all to doubt the Word of God. Once we doubt, we start denying the Word of God and believing satan’s lies. He does…
How The Church Grows
Text: Acts 11:19-30 The church grows when. . . we recognize everyone in the body of Christ is ministers of the Word of God. We are all servants. The church grows when. . . grace is lived and when grace is given. Everyone needs a Savior! The church grows when. . . there’s no competition in the church. Let’s all move and flow as one. Let’s all encourage one another, not compete against one another. The church grows when. .…
Grace For Your Thorns
Text: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Salvation is free, but being used by God comes with a price. There will be pain, tests, trials, and suffering. There will be a “thorn in the flesh”. God allows suffering in our lives. Some things are strategically put in our lives to teach us and bring us where we need to be in our walk with Christ. A lot of times we pray for substitutions for our “thorns”, but God wants us to “go through”…