Love Your Enemies
Text: Matthew 5:43-48 Hatred of any kind is not biblical. It is not of God. God says to love people with an unconditional love. God says to bless those who are dragging your name through the mud and do good to those who do you wrong and persecute you. By that, God means for us to pray for them all. That love can win them to Christ. Love doesn’t mean you accept everything. It means that you may dislike what…
Marriage vs Divorce
Text: Matthew 5:31-32 What is marriage? Marriage is God ordained. Marriage is God designed. Marriage is sacred. Marriage is sacrifice. Divorce was not a command, but a provision for the wicked heart. God hates divorce! God permits divorce for specific reasons, but He hates it! There is always enought love and grace, through the Holy Spirit, to forgive. Even though He’s given permission, He still hates divorce. Jesus trumps it all! To avoid divorce, we must understand the covenant of…
Mask The Idols
Text: Ex. 20:1-6 The day Jesus Christ died on the cross, the earth quaked and God ripped the veil from top to bottom, symbolizing the Presence of God was there for all of us who call on His Name. We were created to worship God with joy and thanksgiving. Everybody worships something. We were designed that way by our Creator. Whatever we believe will bring us joy, happiness and contentment is what we invest our time, money, energy, and strength…
Beyond Surface Living: Dealing With Our Lust
Text: Matthew 5:27-30 Whosoever looks at a woman to lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. WOW! Whosoever means EVERYONE! Man, woman, single, married. . . .EVERYONE! When we do that, we are reducing that person to an object. When Jesus said this, He was going for the heart. We are all a creation from God and must be treated as such. We need to take responsibility for our actions. Remove anything that will hinder us from…
Right Judgement Part II-Narrow Is The Gate
Anyone can walk in self deception. They think they have it all together. They do what is right. They say the right things. But, it’s all a facade. What is hard about the narrow gate? It’s US! It’s a battle with our flesh. We don’t want to deny ourselves. The narrow road is a humbling road. The broad road leads to an eternity in hell. The narrow road leads to an eternity in Glory. Which road are you on?
Right Judgement Part 1
As believers, we have to stand on truth. But, we should be quick to judge ourselves and slow to judge others. What is proper judgement when it comes to standing up for what is right and what is wrong? There is a difference between rightful judgement and criticism. When the situation arises, we need to do it in love, mercy and grace.
A Healthy Church
Is your church a healthy church? Here’s some questions to ask yourself: Does my church teach sound doctrine? Are the seniors in my church sharing their experiences and teaching the young? Do they strengthen my church? Does the church leadership leave an imprint on others? If so, what type of imprint is it? Always remember to pray for your church!
The Resurrected Life
When you’re battling discouragement, you don’t realize the victory that you have. We are victorious through the resurrected life of Jesus Christ. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in us. Be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Your labor is not in vain.
We Need The Holy Spirit-Not The Flesh
How important is the Holy Spirit in your life? Are you working to please the Lord or are you working with the Lord? When we recognize that Jesus walked the earth as a sinless man with the Holy Spirit working through Him, we will, then, understand how much we need the Holy Spirit to work through us.
How To Deal With Conflict
Conflict will come and we may respond with anger or say things we shouldn’t. But, Scripture gives us direction on how to get through those times. We can rejoice during hard times, if we keep our focus on the big picture.God knows! Just give it to Him and the peace of God will come in, which will lead to right thinking and right living. Can you live it?