Don’t Forget, Jesus Is Coming Back
We are getting closer and closer to the coming of the Lord. No man knows the hour or the day. For the Christian, this waiting puts a fire in us; an expectation and excitement. We must be watchful and not fearful. We want to be ready for His return. Are you ready?
It’s Time To Fight
As Christians, we are in a daily battle. We can choose to fight or choose to live in defeat. How do we fight? Who are we fighting against and who is on our side? Be encouraged! We serve the Conquering King! We are victorious!
Stay In The Race
Trials, tribulation and struggles of this life start to affect every area in our lives. Sometimes, so much that we want to quit. We want to give up. What do we do at those times to stay in the race?
A Thankful Heart
In today’s world, it’s all about give me, give me, give me. It’s all about ME! We need to focus on the Giver and not the gift. It’s not always the person who looks like he has it all together, that has the humble heart. Sometimes the ones who have been through the most are the ones with the grateful heart. They understand what it means to be thankful. Everyone has something to be thankful for. What are you thankful…
Don’t Let Your Fire Go Out
Jesus is our High Priest, but God also made us priests. It is up to us to keep the fire going. Is your fire burning or is it starting to dwindle? What can we do to keep our fire burning?
A Life That Produces
The Lord wants to produce something good out of your life.We cannot make any good fruit in our own strength or by our own works. It takes the Holy Spirit to make the fruit in us grow. It takes the Holy Spirit to produce anything good in us. What is growing in your field. . .weeds or fruit? Is it thriving or being choked out?
Protect Your Freedom II
Since the beginning of time, man has always searched for answers. The Lord knew the crazy things we would do in search of the those answers. Jesus knew we would need something to keep us in balance; to keep us in proper standing. So, he gave us the answer. . .the Holy Spirit, the active Presence of God. The Holy Spirit is alive in us. It is our Power Source, to help us live for Him. We can be victorious…
Protect Your Freedom
A life of religiosity or legalism will leave us burdened. We will become a debtor to keep the law. We will be separated from Christ. All the things He has promised us, we will forfeit. We’ve been given grace, which has set us free from the law. Jesus is all we need. It’s not about religion. It’s about relationship. Protect and guard what has already been given to you!
Have You Ever Asked God Why?
When we are following the Lord, we don’t expect some of the tests and trials we go through. God works through chaos. There’s nothing wrong with asking the question, “Why?” What can we learn from asking that question? No matter what, we must continue to trust God and He will show Himself strong. Rest in Him!
Yes You Can
We all have a purpose in life. There is no time for excuses. All of our excuses are saying that we don’t trust God. They show our lack of faith in Him. Our excuses show weakness when God wants us to be strong. God has called you! Will you answer the call?