Food For Thought
What are your thoughts throughout the day? Did you know that as your thought life goes, you go? If satan occupies your thoughts, he controls your life.
Supernatural Strength
Life has a way of throwing us a curve ball. It reveals where we are in our walk with the Lord. It reveals our weaknesses and so much more. But, those are the times that God reveals who He is!
The Benefits Of The Resurrection
What does the resurrection mean for us? Are we living resurrected lives? Do we understand that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in us?
Prayer + Praise = Victory
Do you have joy today? Prayer and praise ignite your joy! Do you feel free today? Prayer and praise ignite your freedom! Remember! We have the victory!
Bringing The Love Of Christ To America’s Inner-City
Missionaries to New Orleans
Lord, Remember Me
When was the last time you had a touch from the Lord? Has sin come in and you feel the immediate distance from God? The remedy for that is to pray, “Lord remember me”.
The Importance Of Prayer
Isn’t it amazing how distractions keep us from prayer. We know prayer works. We believe it’s needed. But, do we really feel that prayer is important?
Have you ever wondered why the nine lepers didn’t come back to thank Jesus? Or, what motivated the one leper to return? Just listen and find out what drives gratefulness and ungratefulness.
The Purpose Of The Church
There are many misconceptions about the purpose of the church. Let’s look at the Bible’s view of God’s greatest institutions.
Victory In Stressful Situations
With life comes distress, pressure, and stress. As Christians, how do we handle this? Just listen to find out how you can get the victory in stressful situations.