Sermons (Page 5)

Sermons (Page 5)

The Gospel Of Healing

Texts: Various The goal of getting back what was lost in the garden is more than redemption. God wants the Gospel to permeate our lives. Jesus went about teaching, preaching, and healing. Jesus came and told the devil it’s time for him to leave! All we need is faith to believe. We need to put our trust in a man named Jesus! God has come to set the captive free. All He needs is our faith!

The Family Of Faith

Texts: Acts 2:38-43; Acts 4:32-5:10 There are three groups of people on earth-the Israelites, the gentiles, and the church. The church being composed of both. The elect of God is the church. We are tied to Jesus, which makes us joint heirs with Christ Jesus. We are God’s Family! When we became saved, we were given a new name, a new heart, and the Holy Spirit. We have God living inside of us. We are a supernatural church, composed of…

Put Love Into Action

Texts: 1 John 4:7-8; 1 John 3:16-18; John 13:34-35; Luke 10:25-27 A new commandment that overruled all other commandments and laws. . . love one another! Are we being loving? Those who love are born of God. When we act “out of love”, we step out of the character of God and into the character of the adversary. Let’s not walk in anything other than the image of God. Have compassion for one another. Let’s put love into action. Let’s…

Walking In Truth

Texts: 1 John 1:1-10; Colossians 1:12-14; Galatians 5:16-23; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 The devil wants to give us just a little bit of Truth. Just enough to get us off course. Community is necessary for believers. . .the fellowship of believers. Satan has so many people in their own little prisons, that they are comfortable in the darkness. But, the Truth can set us free. Once we are blood-bought, we can walk in the Light and walk in fellowship with other…

Why Many “Christians” Will Go To Hell

Texts: Matthew 12:1-8, 22-37; Romans 11:17-22 Many people know there’s a God and believe in Him. But, where do they stand with Jesus? The One Who died for us! We must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. What does that mean? It’s a supernatural transformation from the inside out. That’s your testimony! If you haven’t accepted Jesus into your heart and made Him Savior of you life, make Jesus your new year’s resolution! Trust in His Name…

Where Am I On Biblical Prayer

Pastor Daniel Mackey Various texts The purpose of our relationship with the Lord is to bare fruit. God wants us to reproduce. When we pray and want results, we need to pray scripture. Prayer is the outward demonstration of a healthy relationship with the Lord. Prayer is a two-way communication. Prayer produces heaven on earth through us. If we want to have peace in our lives, we must pray! We, as believers, are in God’s family, but we are also…

Watch And Pray Always

Text: Luke 21:34-36 and various other texts Even though this is the season to be jolly, continue to watch, stay focused, and be alert! Watching and praying is a command. We should know the signs of the time. Everything will pass away, but God’s Word will NEVER pass away. His Word remains the same. God is angry with the wicked. He will never agree with unrighteousness! God is a Holy, Pure, and Just God. We are on a countdown. The…


Texts: Various God gives us gifts to remind us of the Giver of gifts. There is joy and hope beyond what we see. God provides joy in all situations. God is a good Father! He takes joy in us. Sometimes we forget our joy and we lose our sense of value. It’s ok to fail. But, failing is not a death sentence. We have hope in Jesus. God can restore our joy and our hope and our future. God can…

Prayer Is The Key

Texts: Various There is power in persevering prayer. Prayer that doesn’t give up. Prayer is the key that opens God’s heart and releases that power. The purposes of God are dependent on our prayers. He has what we need! He is the answer to our prayers! When we stand on His promises, He will come through. He is Faithful! God’s Name is on everything we need. God is watching over His Word to perform it. Let’s set our hearts to…

The Attitude Of Gratitude

Texts: James 1:17; Luke 17:11-19; Luke 7:36-48; 2 Samuel 6:12-14; 20-22 ALL good things come from God. Thanksgiving is always needed. God takes into account those who give thanks. We all have a past, but God forgives us! Always give thanks! The attitude of gratitude is the key! Love Him for real! Worship Him for real! Thank Him for real! God is a good God!