Sermons from 2025

Sermons from 2025

We Don’t Trust In Flesh

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. We Don’t Trust In Flesh 2 Samuel 242 Chronicles 20Mark 8 Are you trying to please man or God? Follow us on Facebook! our website!

The Coming of the Lord Is Near

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. The Coming of the Lord Is Near 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18John 14:1-3Luke 212 Peter 3Daniel 12:4 Will Jesus actually come back in our lifetime? The signs are there. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

What Must I Do To Be Saved

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. What Must I Do To Be Saved Mark 16:15-20Hebrews 2:41 Corinthians 12:7-13Acts 16:16-34Romans 10:8-15Romans 8:13-141 Corinthians 15:50 The gift of the Holy Ghost is for everyone not just the Pastor. We need the Power of the Holy Ghost in our churches. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

You Must Be Ready

Texts: Matthew 7:12-23; Matthew 24:43-44; Matthew 25:1-13; 1 Thessalonians 5:3 We need to be in a place of “preparing” for that Great Day! We can’t be “getting ready” or I was “going to get ready”. We must be ready! Are you preparing with the time you have?

Living With An Angel?

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. Living With An Angel? Revelation 2:1-5Genesis 32Exodus 32 & 33 The Lord is calling for repentance. Some have left your first love. Return to him. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

Put On Your Armor

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. Put On Your Armor Ephesians 2:1-5Ephesians 6:10-20Ephesians 3:10 Anyone that is not governed by Christ is governed by the Prince of the Power of the Air. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

Don’t Worry About It

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. Don’t Worry About It Worrying is not of God. God will provide. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

You Must Renew Your Mind

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. You must renew your mind. Die daily in your walk with God. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

Missionary Sunday : Global ROAR with Pastor Kenny

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. Missionary Sunday : Global ROAR with Pastor KennyLearn more at We we all called to win souls and make disciples. Follow us on Facebook! our website!

The Call, The Cost, The Crown

South Suburban Christian Center is committed to leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Gospel Message. The Call, The Cost, The Crown Acts 20:17-24Acts 21:1-142 Timothy 4:6-8Romans 8:35-392 Corinthians 11:23-29 The church is flat-lining because it has become comfortable. Follow us on Facebook! our website!
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