It Is Finished

It Is Finished

Text: John 19:28-30; John 18:28-40; John 19:1-16

Who is the main person? What happens to Him, and why? Jesus was no average man. There’s no other name mentioned throughout the world, more, than Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God who chose the time He was born, by whom He was born, and where He was born. He chose to leave heaven and become man. The only one who claimed to be God, is the one they chose to kill. It’s better to make Him your Lord now than your Judge later! If you don’t know the TRUTH, ask God to show you the TRUTH and He will! Jesus came to take and break the power of sin, the penalty of sin, and the presence of sin. The justice and judgement of God fell on Him! He took it all for us! Everyone will have to make a choice who they will serve. What’s your choice?