Children’s Ministry
Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14 God desires to be with His children. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Our goal is to teach the Word of God to our children, in hopes that their faith would be deeply rooted in Jesus Christ and they would come into…
Adult Bible Study
South Suburban Christian Center’s Adult Bible Study Classes are designed to help believers grow into Christian maturity from a Biblical perspective. Our church has the privilege of having an extensive teaching staff of seasoned believers, teachers, Biblical scholars, and even former senior pastors – all of whom have a deep understanding of Scripture and a skill for facilitating open and honest dialogue. Classes typically happen in a series format falling over the course of several weeks, where we take a…
Men Of Valor
Our goal is to strengthen men into a solid foundation for Jesus Christ. While learning God’s Word, we pray for each other, share with each other, and encourage one another. The Men’s Ministry meets the 4th Saturday of every month at 10am. For more information, see Pastor Kofie, or call the office at 708-748-0327. Remember to invite a friend!
If you have lost a loved one, please join us. GriefShare is a Christian-based program where you will learn how to walk the journey of grief and be supported on the way. It is a place where grieving people find healing and hope. For more information, call Myrtle at 708-748-0327.
Women’s Fellowship
We come together the 4th Saturday of every month from noon to 1:30pm to learn faithfulness, commitment, complete assignments, and obey God’s Word by the grace of God embodying the Truths that are taught and exemplified among other believers. For more information, see Sister Fonda or call the office at 708-748-0327.
Joy Ministry
Anyone who is 55+ years young is welcome to join us. We come together the 3rd Saturday of every month. We meet at SSCC at noon for prayer. At 1pm we visit Generations at Applewood and at 2pm we visit Landmark Nursing Home. We visit the residents, pray with them, and share the Word. For more information, see Brother Louis Brooks or call the office at 708-748-0327. We hope to see you there! The purpose of this ministry is for…
SSCC Ministry SPOTLIGHT // GriefShare SSCC Ministry SPOTLIGHT // US Missionary, K.A. Abraham
SSCC BlogSPOt: Psalm45ONE
My heart is overflowing with a good theme. I recite my composition concerning the King’s business (Jesus). My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Welcome to South Suburban Christian Center’s blog spot. We are here to provide balanced theological insights and posture on social trends (issues) facing Christians. Here you will find devotions that will inspire readers to think about God and grow in their relationship with Him. Got questions, testimonials, comments? Join the conversation! Tiffanie Andoh: Author .